sunnuntai 24. heinäkuuta 2011

Kuukauden kirjavinkki: Olifantenpaadjes

Hollantilaisen Jan-Dirk van der Burgin 160-sivuinen valokuvakirja Olifantenpaadjes (2011) tarjoaa kattavan kattauksen erinomaisia kuvia paikallisista eurooppalaistyylisistä oikopoluista.

The English term ‘desire line’ perhaps expresses it best: it is the route people long for. They are worn monuments of silent revolt, evidence of civil disobedience vis-à-vis the official route. A desire line is created due to mass resistance to the prescribed walking route. It requires a colossal quantity of footsteps in order to so erode the ground that the grass admits defeat. The book ‘Olifantenpaadjes’ (‘olifantenpad’, literally ‘elephants’ path’, is the Dutch term for a desire line) is an optimistic indictment of the innocent abuse of the landscape. The design is by Erik Kessels and there is a foreword by Maarten ‘t Hart.

Olifantenpaadjes/Desire Lines - Doorbladervideo from Jan-Dirk van der Burg on Vimeo.

Olifantenpaadjes from Jan-Dirk van der Burg on Vimeo.

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